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Do you believe in God? Around 90 percent of Americans do.  But does that even matter?


If 90% of us believe in a God who loves all people… why does our country struggle with racism?

If 90% of us believe in a God who loves the poor… why does the richest nation on earth have a poverty problem?

If 90% of us believe God forgives… why are there so many broken families?


Could it be that most of us are actually Christian Atheists?  We say we believe in God, but actually live our lives as if everything depends upon us.

Join us beginning Sunday, April 8th as we take a look at what it really means to have a life that believes in God. 


Topics will include:

April 8 — When You Believe in God but Don’t Really Know Him — Jeremy Gwaltney, Lead Pastor, Harvest Community Church

April 15 — When You Believe in God but Are Ashamed of Your Past — J. Gwaltney

April 22 — When You believe in God but Won’t Forgive — J. Gwaltney

April 29 — When You Believe in God but Pursue Happiness at Any Cost — Kendrick Vinar, Lead Pastor of Grace Church in Chapel Hill, NC

May 6 — When You Believe in God But Don’t Think You Can Change — J. Gwaltney 


Our services are at 9 am and 10:45 am and include children’s ministry by our well-trained and caring Harvest Kids staff for ages 0-5th grade.


Christian Atheist is based in part by the book The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel.