Completed Through Faithfulness
Every one of us has a sense of purpose that constantly asks the question, “Am I doing all that I am supposed to do with my life?” In the book of Philippians Paul tells us the key to accomplishing all that God calls us to is found in a partnership with God. When we partner with God, we can experience the amazing power of his faithfulness that brings us into the completion of his calling. So the question is, how do we experience God’s faithfulness?
Completed Through Humility
To live completely for the purposes of God, “we are not called upon simply to ‘imitate God’ by what we do, but to have the very mind, the mind of Christ, developed in us (Gordon Fee).” In the book of Philippians, the predominant mindset of Christ that Paul wants us to adopt is that of humility.
Completed: Making God Visible In Our Lives
We have a desire to find satisfaction and fulfillment in our lives. We are also driven by the pursuit of pleasure and how we can achieve it. The only kind of pleasure that satisfies the human soul and transforms a man into a decent person is the pleasure of living for the glory of God. God wants to be visible in our lives so that we can find pleasure!