For though the righteous man falls seven times, they rise again. — Proverbs 24:16
Failure is never a fun topic in our lives. We are taught to do it ourselves, work hard, never give up and don’t make mistakes. But no matter how hard we try, we mess up— both big and little messes. When facing our failure we don’t know how to respond which leads to a greater sense of failure and insecurity. We believe a good person should never fail.
But what if the secret to freedom is not found in living a life that never fails, but knowing how to get back up when we fail?
Join us this April as we explore the teaching of the Bible on how to perceive and respond to failure.
Messages include:
#FAIL: Get Back Up
Failure isn’t fatal. Failure is part of the process in a sinful world. But the key to freedom is NOT in living a fail-proof life, but in knowing how to properly perceive and respond to failure. After all, the righteous person, by faith, keeps getting back up.
#FAIL 2: Identity in Christ
Too often in our lives we let our past failures define how we see ourselves. We have a tape that runs in our head that says things like, “I’m a failed employee,” or “I’m an angry mom,” or “I’m a bad spouse,” etc. These tapes running in our heads define us and put a lid on our lives — an artificial lid. If you don’t know who you are, then you’re vulnerable to other people telling you who you are. But the truth is that you are who God says you are, and no one else has a vote in the matter.
#FAIL 3: Rebuilding Broken Trust
Just as certain as our failure in life is the reality that other people will fail us. The difference is that when others fail we are the ones hurt by disappointment and broken trust. You failed, but I am damaged. How then can we live a life open to building trusting relationships in a world where trust will be broken? How does God help us restore broken trust?
Our Sunday services are at 10 am. Our services include a dynamic and wonderful kids program hosted by our well trained children’s ministry volunteers.