
Bringing Home the Bacon

God has given fathers a unique and powerful role to fulfill with our children. The influence of a father can be positive or negative. As fathers we have the opportunity to change the direction and heritage for our families for the next generation. The power of the blessing belongs to you.


Single and Free

In the Game of Life, being single can be one of the most tricky and difficult spots on the board to navigate. Culture, church, and even family have different expectations and pressures they put on being single. Many can feel like singleness is a punishment. But the Bible says being single is a gift and an advantage! The question is, are you taking advantage of your advantage?


Dealing with Divorce

The issue of divorce is one of the most confusing and painful anyone may ever face. It can leave one feeling hurt, hopeless, and like a failure. What does the Bible say about this issue, and can one find hope and healing if they are fearing, facing, or have already experienced divorce? We will look at what the Bible says about this important topic and present the hope and healing found in the grace of Jesus.


Marriage: I'm All In

Marriage is an amazing blessing from God that is intended for our joy and is meant to demonstrate the image of God and Jesus’ relationship with His people. Unfortunately, many people walk through marriage missing this blessing. This Sunday we will look at God’s purposes for marriage and examine five simple commitments to building a life-long loving relationship.


I'm Too Busy

One of the traps in this Game of Life is spending too much time doing the wrong things — we call that busyness. But what if the issue of busyness is not being busy itself, but what priorities we are busy with? This week we will look at two questions Jesus wants us to ask to help us win at life by being busy with the right priorities.


Life, Live it Backwards

The trap of this game called “Life” is that the stuff of life is what is most important.  In reality, the Bible says all of the “stuff” we use to build a legacy is nothing more than a vapor — as easy to possess as the wind.  Rather the way to win at the game of life is to invest in what is eternal — loving God and loving each other.


Best Mom Ever: You!

Being a mom is a God-ordained calling. One with many challenges, joys, and a constant need for God’s grace. This Sunday we want to explore five common emotions women, especially moms, feel and bring the encouragement of the Holy Spirit to the hearts of women.