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Welcome to Harvest Kids Online!

Month of APRIL

april 26, 2020

One thing we know for sure, Jesus is coming back to the earth and we want to be ready.  What an exciting day.  Today the children will learn more about Jesus’ return to the earth and what we can look forward to.

Enjoy this week’s video lesson with Miss Laura.  Take time to be creative with the Keep Watch craft and enjoy a fun Fruits of the Spirit BINGO Game by clicking on the tabs below.


april 19, 2020

King Jesus had completed His work on earth, and He gave His disciples a big job.  They were to share the good news about Jesus all over the world so everyone could hear.  His followers spread the word just as Jesus commanded.  We must tell the good news to others too!

Enjoy this week’s video lesson with Miss Laura.  Take time to be creative with the Go! craft and enjoy a fun experiment that shows how the good news travels by clicking on the tabs below.

april 12, 2020

The focus on Easter must always be on Jesus and the power of His resurrection!  We worship and serve a living God who loves us beyond anything we can imagine!  God proved His love by sending His only Son to take our punishment for sin.  He proved His power through the resurrection!

Watch the Easter Video Lesson with Miss Laura, as well as the special video titled, Jesus’ Sacrifice.  Enjoy Easter Sunday with your family by taking time to be creative with the craft and snack ideas.  Click on the tabs below.  Happy Easter!

april 5, 2020

Sunday, April 5th, starts our month long study of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and His return to Heaven.  It’s all about looking at who Jesus is and what He did for us.  The more we look at Jesus’ life, we will find more reasons to love and worship Him.  This month we will be looking at great things about Jesus found in the New Testament book of Mark. 

Enjoy the video lesson, as well as the activity links provided.