Welcome to Harvest Kids Online!
Month of MArch
March 29, 2020
Enjoy the Harvest Kids video lesson for Sunday, March 29. Your child will hear the last story from our month-long study from the book of Jeremiah. They will be encouraged to pour good into their lives so they have good to pour out.
Enjoy participating in an Opposites Scavenger Hunt Game with your child. Follow the link below to receive the list of items they are to find. Encourage your child to be creative by using old magazine’s to find pictures that are opposites. They can enjoy gluing them onto a piece of construction paper. A sample will be shown in the video. All the supplies they will need are items you have in your home. For additional activities, click on the links provided. They include: A Preschool Worksheet and an Elementary Worksheet.
March 22, 2020
Click on the video below to play the lesson for Sunday, March 22. Your child will enjoy a story from the book of Jeremiah, and will be encouraged to participate in a game with their family members, and spend time being creative with a craft. All the supplies they will need are items you have in your home.
For additional activities, click on the buttons. They include: Kindness Coupons for your child to make and send to neighbors or friends and family, a drawing activity, and a crossword puzzle.