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Welcome to Harvest Kids Online! 

Month of May

May 31, 2020

The attributes of God are gracious and amazing.  The acts of God are miraculous and amazing.  God is worthy of our praise and deserves our complete trust.  As we ponder the wonders of God’s creations, like the dinosaur, we must respond with gratitude and awe.  God created dinosaurs and they really did roam the earth with the other animals and humans.

May 24, 2020

God loves every person and wants what is best for all of us.  We need to learn to treat others as the valuable creation made in the image of God that they are.  Enjoy this week’s lesson as we unpack another great story from God’s Word and begin to understand that God See’s Everything.

May 17, 2020

Today we will look at a biblical example of how God continued to love His people even when they sinned against Him with their disobedience.  God loves us and we should never take this for granted.  God wants a relationship with all people, and that includes us!

May 10, 2020

We can rejoice in knowing our God is all-powerful. He is in complete control of the amazing world He created.  Trust in God’s Word because God will do what He says He will do.

Enjoy this week’s online lesson with Miss Laura, and learn that God is In Control.  Take time to be creative with the Ribbon Dancer Craft, enjoy a Bible story video, Noah and the Flood, as well as the worksheets by clicking on the tabs below.

May 3, 2020

The more we study God’s Word and know what it says, the better we will be at defending the faith and knowing God is the Creator of the universe.  Our faith will continue to grow as our knowledge of God’s Word and our relationship with Him grows.

Enjoy this week’s online lesson, God is Powerful, with Miss Laura.  Take time to be creative with the Salt Painting Craft, enjoy the Creation Video, as well as the worksheets by clicking on the tabs below.