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Welcome to Harvest Kids Online!  We’re glad you’re here!

January 31, 2021

Abraham trusted and obeyed God, and He provided for Abraham.  God provided a substitute of a ram for the sacrifice of Isaac.  God provided a substitute for the punishment of our sin in Jesus.  We may not always understand God’s plan, but we are to trust it and be obedient to it.

January 24, 2021

God promised Abraham that all the families of the earth would be blessed through him.  Just as God made and kept His promises to Abraham, we can trust He will keep His promises to us too.

January 17, 2021

God seeks the lost and celebrates their return.  Thank God for seeking the lost and pray for someone who needs to be found.

January 10, 2021

Sometimes it does not take much time or effort to show others the love of Christ, especially to people we like.  But how can we show Jesus’ love through our words and actions to someone we don’t like?  Just like the Good Samaritan didn’t let his feelings affect how far he would go to help the injured stranger, we need to have that same attitude. 

January 3, 2021

Jesus taught how to have a new way of life by sharing attitudes, called the beatitudes.  How good is it if we say we are a follower of Jesus, but no one can see the difference He has made in our lives?  Our words and actions should show others who Jesus is and how He has changed our hearts.