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Welcome to Harvest Kids Online!  We’re glad you’re here! 


June 28, 2020

We can have joy in Jesus by turning the situation over to God, thinking right thoughts, and thanking God for what He will do.  Our joy does not depend on the things that happen to us, but it is found in Jesus.  The challenge is, to choose, to find joy in every situation by rejoicing in Jesus.

June 21, 2020

Paul understood the importance of knowing Jesus so others could know Him.  Like Paul, we must strive to follow Christ and know Him more.  We need to remember that we are children of God, we need to stay focused and not let distractions get in the way of knowing Jesus.  Studying God’s Word will help us to learn more about Him and grow in our relationship to Him.  When we truly know Him, our light will shine brightly.

June 14, 2020

We are to follow Jesus’ example in our words, attitudes, and actions. Paul encourages us in the book of Philippians to follow the “light” by having the mind of Jesus. The children will be encouraged to look for opportunities to shine the light of Jesus to those around them.

June 7, 2020

As believers, we are not promised a life free from suffering, but we are promised the Lord’s presence during our suffering.  We must trust Him no matter our circumstances and know that when we are shaken, He is steady, faithful, and true.  Our light for Jesus should shine brightly in our dark world no matter what is going on around us.