We have a great opportunity to connect and serve our community through Servolution this summer. There are opportunities to serve at the 4-H Fair in July, starting with the prayer walk, reaching out to our community with walking with the Harvest fair float, and serving at the Dairy Bar. Check out the areas of service and be a part of Servolution by signing today!
Dairy Bar II
Thursday July 28th at the Elkhart County 4H Fair
DAIRY BAR 3:45PM-7PM SHIFT FULL - Thank you!!
DAIRY BAR 6:45PM-11PM SHIFT FULL - Thank you!!
Fair Parade Float
Sunday July 24th - Walk in the Fair Parade with Harvest’s Float
Parkside Elementary Ice Cream Social
Thursday September 8th - Serve Ice Cream and Monitor Bounce Houses
Another opportunity to serve…
We are partnering with Downtown Ministries to raise funds to purchase a home that would help provide a safe place for abused women transitioning out of situations of domestic violence. We will be cleaning restrooms during Fair Week and also during RV Rallies at the fairgrounds this fall. If you are interested in being a part of this project, please email jim@downtownmin.org